5 Reasons To Pursue CMMC Compliance For Your Business

The Department of Defense (DoD) forms an extensive network of suppliers and contractors where crucial information is shared. With digitization gaining track, the security of this information is paramount because of increased cybercrimes. For a department as important as the DoD, no chances should be taken in having a secure information system.

5 Reasons To Pursue CMMC Compliance For Your Business

The need for a secure information system also applies to all the contractors working with the DoD. Therefore, they’ll need a cybersecurity maturity model certification (CMMC) due to the security requirements outlined by Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) SP 252.204-7012. The security model assessment is conducted by a third party such as www.berylliuminfosec.com and others. After the completion, a CMMC compliance certificate is issued to the contractor.

The certification benefits the holder in the following ways:

  1. Win DoD Contracts

If your business has a contract with the DoD or you want to apply for one, it’s essential to meet all the requirements. A CMMC compliance certificate will prove your infrastructure is secure, and your business won’t offer attackers any entry point. Before this security act was set in place, the DoD would trust you to conduct your assessment, which had many flaws.

However, with a third party conducting the security audit in your business and certifying you, you can easily apply for tenders and win them. The DoD will trust a CMMC more than a self-assessment. Therefore, if you don’t have it already, it’s time to pursue it or lose some lucrative tenders.

  1. Secure The Supply Chain

If you’re contracted to the DoD, it’s normal to have other third-party businesses supplying the products on your behalf directly to the DoD or supply the products to you. Even though your organization may be secure, the other businesses you’re working with may be susceptible to attacks. The one entry point that’s found on the third-party’s security infrastructure can then be used to access the DoD infrastructure.

With a CMMC assessment, your business can audit all your supply chains, which will expose any vulnerability that self-assessment would’ve missed. By pursuing CMMC, you’ll be sure of having a more secured infrastructure that meets the DoD standards.

  1. Improve Your Security Infrastructure

CMMC compliance has set guidelines and procedures to be followed when assessing your security infrastructure. With each measure of the required standard against yours, you’ll know how your business’s security is.

You can then upgrade those points below the standards and rectify all points that may be vulnerable to attacks. CMMC assessment also lessens the work of a security upgrade because you know what to improve without altering the whole system or adding other risk points.

  1. Get A Third-Party View Of Your Security

When developing a security system, you may think it’s top-notch and meets all the required standards of a good security infrastructure. However, there’s a risk that the security system only meets your standards as it’s been developed by you and could be vulnerable to attackers.

Therefore, you need an independent party to come and assess your security system. Their audit will be more detailed as they’ll cross-check against a different guideline to what you used. So, by pursuing CMMC compliance, you’ll look at your security system from a different angle. This gives you a different perspective of what you’re accustomed to, and you can determine if your security system is good or not. 

  1. Reduce The Risk Of Financial Loss

If your company’s security system isn’t up to the standards, then you may lose your finances through hacking and fines. First, a vulnerable system will be attacked at any moment, then essential information will be stolen, which is costly to recover. Second, getting the system up and running after a security breach is costly and time-consuming. This may make your business miss significant contracts.

Additionally, your business will be fined if it doesn’t meet specific security standards. When dealing with the DoD, the standards may be even higher due to the importance of the department, so the fines could be higher. Having to pay fines repeatedly could cause massive financial losses. Therefore, it’s important to pursue CMMC compliance and avoid such unnecessary costs. 


Pursuing CMCC compliance for your business has many benefits. With the different stakeholders aiming at improving information security, you must be up there with the required standards.

For a business working with the DoD, being CMCC-compliant is mandatory, or you’ll lose contracts, get fined, or face several cybersecurity threats. Therefore, it’s important to find a third party to conduct the assessment and give you a certificate of compliance, so you can enjoy the benefits. Remember that many future decisions might be pegged on CMMC, so it’s better to be prepared.

Raj Hirvate

Raj is a full-time blogger and loves to share some knowledge on technology and software errors. You can follow him on social media to connect more.