7 Cybersecurity Tips to Enhance Your Business Productivity

Security has always been a paramount concern for global business. With online markets booming, search engines like Google are forcing businesses to install SSL certificates, firewalls, and other cybersecurity protocols that can help to keep your website safe in the digital era.

After the COVID-19 pandemic came into the picture, most businesses decided to move online. A sudden surge in global markets made experts believe that global eCommerce markets will rise to $5 trillion in 2021.

Cybersecurity has become a matter of thought with more businesses moving online because of increased cybercrimes over time.

Search engines also force people to use security protocols like a SSL certificate and a firewall.

So, as a business owner, you must know how prepared you are for cyberattacks. The best way to check that is by matching your security strategies with the ones we mention below.

Let us take a look:

7 Cybersecurity Tips to Enhance Your Business Productivity

#1 Delete all dormant accounts

Employee joining and leaving happen in every business.

Businesses fail to realize that they shared their data with previously onboard employees.

Because they could have access to vital data, it is important to take those liberties away.

Previous accounts that are not in use must be closed immediately to prevent hackers from utilizing them and compromising your website.

It is best not to leave any vulnerability through which hackers can exploit later.

Thus, ensure that you close down all dormant accounts as soon as the employee leaves the firm.

#2 Install an SSL certificate

Since you are venturing online, the safety and security of your customer’s data are important.

SSL or Secure Socket Layer certificate protects a website’s connection from hackers by encrypting all the information transferred between your web server and your customer’s web browser.

SSL uses Public Key Infrastructure and enables HTTPS or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure encryption, enabling a secure padlock ahead of a website’s URL.

If you are an ecommerce firm, you would need to comply with PCI or Payment Card Industry guidelines.

SSL serves as an important component in that compliance.

But SSL has different levels of validation, such as EV SSL, DV SSL and OV SSL Certificate.

An ecommerce website with different first-level subdomains such as payments, product pages, blogs to protect, and the primary domain should go for Wildcard OV or Organization Validation Wildcard SSL certificate. This single cert will eliminate the hassle of investing in separate single-domain SSL certificates for each new level one subdomain that you add.

OV certs will help comply with PCI guidelines and display business identification for your customers so that they can trust you.

#3 Apply two-factor authentication

Passwords are the first and last line of defense against cyberattacks.

But, if you enable 2-factor authentication, it adds another layer of protection other than the password.

In the 2-factor authentication process, users are asked to enter a unique PIN sent on their mobile number and email address after successfully entering the password.

The good part is that even if hackers successfully breach the password, they can’t know the unique PIN sent on the mobile number or email address.

This technique works best when you have an ecommerce website where hundreds, if not thousands, of users enter their credentials every day.

#4 Educate your employees

If your employees are unaware of the current cyber tactics, your company will be doomed sooner or later.

Hackers are well-aware that untrained employees are always vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Though businesses now understand the importance of employee education, many businesses are not vigilant about this idea.

Educated employees won’t fall for phishing emails. They will know which emails to trust and which ones to leave.

Employee education is a one-time investment, but it goes a long way.

#5 A firewall is a must.

Like an SSL certificate, a Web Application Firewall or WAF restricts incoming traffic. It sits between your computer and the server to filter all incoming traffic.

Firewalls help keep your business data safe by disallowing malicious bots and creepy crawlers to enter your system.

Without a firewall, a hacker can easily creep into the root directory of your system and compromise your data.

Thus, choosing a firewall can save the day for your business,

#6 Don’t use the same password everywhere

Though you have 2-factor authentication watching your back, you must be picky about your passwords.

The best you can do is not use the same password everywhere. Many people use the same password on their admin panel to log in to social media.

Your passwords must be at least 12 characters long and blend symbols, alphabets, and numbers.

Also, while entering alphabets, use both upper and lowercase letters.

Moreover, if you struggle with passwords, we recommend using a password manager.

There are plenty of authentic password managers available on the web.

#7 Update your software

Software updates are essential for businesses to maintain security. But most people tend to dismiss updates as soon as they arrive.

On the other hand, some would set them for an unknown date that would never come.

This passive approach can prove costly. Hackers are always looking for outdated security patches, and your website can be their feeding ground.

Security patches are meant to ensure that hackers cannot breach the software. Specialized developers sit at the backend to ensure that hackers cannot exploit any vulnerability in the software.

So, be a responsible user and never miss out on updating your CMS software.

Final Thoughts

Business security can only be ensured when global businesses establish a certain parameter for themselves.

Firewalls, software updates, SSL certificates, 2-factor authentication, and employee training are some of the best security measures businesses can take in today’s world. It is best to integrate each one of them into your system.

So, follow the seven tips given above and improve your website security manifold.

Raj Hirvate

Raj is a full-time blogger and loves to share some knowledge on technology and software errors. You can follow him on social media to connect more.