Best On-demand App Ideas to Start Money Making Startup in 2022

The changes are an unavoidable part of this universe. A decade back, the mobile apps have added convenience to people by making everything available at their fingertips. Later, the convenience factor complemented by the speed factor realizing the instant gratification need of people. Now, people prefer to pay extra for getting things in a window of an hour or a day.

This demand is better handled and met by on-demand apps. Corona outbreak pushed the on-demand solution needs up a notch. Now, on-demand apps have become a part of people’s lifestyles. If you need a taxi, food, salon, fuel, medicine, mechanic, grocery, or doctor, the apps make it available as early as possible without leaving the comfort of the sofa.

According to PWC research, the on-demand apps based on sharing economy model that has generated $15 in revenue in 2013 will increase to $335 billion by 2025.

It signals the on-demand apps that are true bliss for people creating lucrative opportunities for the businesses to bath in billion-dollar revenue. The forward-thinkers or opportunists take the alarming facts seriously and look for on-demand apps to serve the users and earn higher. However, there is nothing opportunistic about making money. Rather, you just need to know what type of entrepreneur you are.

Are you interested in monetizing your mobile app idea (On-demand app idea) and taking your business to new heights? Does the lack of idea, or uncertainty regarding on-demand app ideas not allowing to roll the ball over? If so, here we have created a list of popular on-demand app ideas that can help start-ups gain an edge in the market.

Which are the best on-demand app ideas that enable start-ups to make great strides?

  • On-demand grocery delivery apps

The new norms of social distancing have changed the way people shop for groceries at scale. People are ordering groceries from on-demand grocery apps that facilitate

contactless delivery at the doorstep. Even, Instacart has achieved its target for the year in the third week of lockdown in 2022. The app’s downloads increased by 300% just after the lockdown hit. Walmart and Shipt grocery apps are not behind.

The evolved customers’ expectations for instant delivery have picked up the pace, which is meet by the on-demand apps in the competitive battleground. Technological advancements make online groceries quite inexpensive than physical grocery stores, which makes value seekers shift to on-demand selling.

The implications of on-demand grocery app development make retailers take decisive action and move ahead strategically to carve a sustainable position and drive profits to the business.

  • On-demand food delivery apps

The food delivery market is experiencing high tides in the last few years. Covid-19 brought a great time for the food delivery partners as it led millions of people to get into online ordering. The route optimization technologies and delivery network optimized the food deliveries with faster and inexpensive food delivery.

The restaurant-to-user delivery segment is the largest food delivery segment that has generated $126.10 billion in revenue in 2022. The number of users expected to increase to 2691 million by 2026.

It showcase that there’s a huge opportunity to make money with on-demand app development. DoorDash, UberEats, Postmates, and Grubhubs are the popular on-demand food apps that have made millions in the food delivery segment. As mobile food ordering expects to stay here, you can move ahead with on-demand food app development.

  • On-demand health apps

The growing trend of staying healthy and fit with self-collecting and tracking health-related data is popular nowadays. The increasing use of mobile phones is giving a leg up to health app development.

The mHealth app market size valued at $38.2 billion in 2021 expected to rise by 11.8% by 2030.

In emergency cases, making healthcare services available to people without physically visiting the doctor is possible with on-demand health apps. It’s a boon to the people during a pandemic when telemedicine and virtual consultation has become very popular. The app facilitates people to get a consultation with mobile online appointment booking and prescriptions provided to the people based on the health’s current health status and previous health history.

  • On-demand pharmacy delivery apps

The Online Pharmacy segment expected to generate $22.50 billion in revenue in 2022, which expected to show an 11.45% CAGR. The market volume is estimated to increase to $34.71 billion by 2026.

On-demand pharmacy delivery eased the process of getting medicines at their doorstep with a single click. The users only need to upload the prescription’s photo for medicine ordering on the app, and then pharmacists get the medicines collected and ship them to the customers.

In addition to medicine delivery, the pharmacy app facilitates getting the lab test done, buying fitness devices, appointment booking, and medicine auto-refill for the best experiences. Eatance, Uber for medicine, NowRx, and CVS pharmacy are popular on-demand pharmacy delivery apps that are mostly used by people.

  • On-demand salon apps

Salon professionals find it difficult to manage multiple customer appointments for various types of salon services. During peak hours, salon management becomes a hard nut to crack that won’t allow salon pros to perform to the peak efficiency and improve business profitability.

With improving lifestyle standards, the salon market size projected to increase to $1129.6 by 2022 at a CAGR of 10.6%.

It’s high time for salons to invest in on-demand salon app development. It allows the salons to stay on the top of salon management, facilitate seamless booking with auto-checking of professionals’ availability, and accept the payment. Besides, it sends automated reminders to customers for booking so that they can enjoy the services flawlessly.

The insightful reports help improving services and delivering personalized services to the customers, which further helps in increasing loyalty and profitability.

  • On-demand fuel delivery apps

According to research, gasoline-powered vehicles reached 95% and expected to be a part of daily lives. At the same time, it’s found that the number of gasoline stations is decreasing due to the growth of the mobile fuel delivery market. The convenient and cost-effective on-demand fuel delivery trend expected to accelerate in the years to come.

Cafu, Gaston, Yoshi, EzFill, and Fueltime are the best players in the global fuel delivery market that are making profits in the billion-dollar industry. Recognizing this shift, it makes perfect sense to get into the business. The app allows users to enjoy the vehicle refueling service by entering the amount and type of fuel to be delivered at a particular location.

The service eliminates downtime due to vehicle refueling, makes the environment cleaner, lower fuel cost, and reduce employee fraud.

  • On-demand handyman service

Handyman service franchises in the USA are continuously growing at 2.4% and expected to become a $4.5 billion industry by 2022.

With an influx of handyman services operating in the country, people are still deprived of not finding the handyman services such as cleaning, plumbing, carpeting, electrician, and others. The gap is met by on-demand handyman service apps that have connected the handyman service providers and service seekers in a single click.

The handyman app development facilitates the people to search for nearby service providers, check their availability, expertise, and reviews, and send the booking request for the required service. thereafter the handyman service provider visits the customer’s location at a pre-defined time.

Get built an app like- TaskRabbit or Thumbtack to strengthen the customer relationship, lower administration costs, and earn in galore.


The mobile app users expected to increase their spending to 66 million in the Q4 of 2022. The growing need for instant gratification is turning people towards on-demand apps to fulfill their daily needs from grocery ordering and laundry to the salon and pharmacy needs. It makes perfect sense to get build an on-demand app based on the unique app idea.

The selection of the on-demand app idea won’t bring a lot of money. Instead, the right execution of the right on-demand app idea can make the app a great success. Pick up one of the ideas shared in the blog and get connected with one of the best app development companies to transform the app idea into a rewarding on-demand app.

Raj Hirvate

Raj is a full-time blogger and loves to share some knowledge on technology and software errors. You can follow him on social media to connect more.